Astrology is a study of cycles, from our Moon's monthly cycle all the way out to the 248-year cycle of our most distant planet, Pluto....

Another Clinton for President?
According to the mainstream media, Hillary WILL be the Democratic nominee. In fact, they have been telling us that since her campaign...

Scorpio Full Moon – Light the Watery Depths
The full moon illuminates the darkness. It occurs when the Moon is exactly opposite the Sun, so with the Sun having just entered Taurus,...

Mars Retrograde...the Quest for Truth
Mars in Sagittarius just turned retrograde on April 17th, just ahead of the Scorpio Full Moon on the 22nd. Mars is a planet of action, of...

Is it time for a revolution?
If the planets have anything to say about it, the answer seems to be a resounding “YES!”. The Astrological signature for the current...

'Feeling the Bern'? ...Why Bernie will win
In the previous post I discussed the astrological reasons that this is, indeed, the time for a new American revolution. Astrology is a...

The Tide is Turning
Last month, on March 8th there was a Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces. The Lunar (full moon) Eclipse will be March 22nd. A Solar Eclipse...