The Tide is Turning

Last month, on March 8th there was a Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces. The Lunar (full moon) Eclipse will be March 22nd.
A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon is at the same degree as the Sun (New Moon) and they are close to one of the Moon's nodes (points on the Ecliptic where the paths of the Sun and Moon cross), meaning that the two lights are in alignment with our Earth. That is why the Eclipse phenomenon happens; the Moon and Sun are aligned such that the Moon comes between our Earth and the Sun completely blocking it from our view for a few minutes. In a partial Eclipse, the alignment is less exact, so the Moon only partially obscures the Sun. The pat of totality for this eclipse was over Indonesia, an area which experienced a large earthquake one week earlier.
The Moon represents the unconscious, the emotions, while the Sun represents the conscious, the intellect, so in one sense, the total eclipse could be seen to symbolize the blotting out of conscious, intellectual awareness by the unconscious emotions. The Solar Eclipse is a New Moon, meaning the night sky is at its darkest.
This Total Eclipse was in Pisces. Pisces is one of the 'water' signs and is associated with the ocean, the ebb and flow of emotions, as well as with spirituality, the vast, unbounded....the matrix out of which everything emerges. It is the last sign of the zodiac before the new cycle begins in Aries, corresponding with the beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The Total Eclipse took place very near the South Lunar Node which is generally considered to relate to the past and letting go of that which is no longer helpful.
Exactly opposite this New Moon, is Jupiter in Virgo in close proximity to the North Lunar Node which is generally considered to be about breaking the patterns of the past and embracing the future, growth... an evolutionary transition.
The energy of Jupiter is expansive and optimistic. Jupiter seeks insight through knowledge. Some of this planet's keywords include morality, gratitude, hope, honour, trust, truth and the law. Jupiter is a planet of broader purpose, reach, and possibility. As it was opposing the Eclipse, Jupiter offers us a 'big picture' perspective on the meaning of this period, as the energy of an Eclipse does tend to reverberate for some time....perhaps even until the next Eclipse. In this case, that will be on September 1st in Virgo.
During this month's Solar Eclipse, Sun-Moon and Jupiter all squared Saturn in Jupiter's sign, Sagittarius, and planets in a square (90 degree angle of relationship) are considered to be in conflict. The planets are named after the gods of Roman mythology and in the myth Jupiter was the son of Saturn, who ended up overthrowing his father. This is symbolic of something new overthrowing the status quo/business as usual....and Saturn is very much representative of business, political and corporate structures.
I find it extremely interesting to watch how the symbolism of the planets plays out in our human affairs. In this case, the current political situation in the US electoral race is particularly fascinating to watch with an awareness of the Astrology involved.
Both Jupiter and Saturn are considered to be 'social planets' because they seem to reflect what we are experiencing at the societal level. Politically, we can see that, especially in the current presidential race, the 'old guard', traditional way that politics has been done (represented by Saturn) is being challenged by 'populist' candidates (represented by Jupiter) who want to overthrow the old political machine that is controlled by corporate interests (Saturn). I believe it is highly unusual to have two major candidates who have not been members of their parties, both Independents....the 'frontrunner' of one party (who has never held elected office) and a serious contender in the other party (one of the country's few, and longest serving Independent legislators). Again, one of the qualities associated with Jupiter is freedom....independence.
I don't think I am unusual in taking a strong interest in the present Presidential race. It seems to me that a great many people recognize just how important the outcome of this particular election is and the profound effects it will have, not only in the US, but globally.
GOP stands for the 'Grand Old Party' and with that name and its more (now extremely 'right wing') conservative nature, it is generally considered to be appropriately associated astrologically with Saturn, while the Democratic Party is represented by Jupiter. As mentioned above, those two planets are currently 'squaring off' against one another and this Eclipse was in aspect with both, highlighting the conflict between the two parties, but also the conflict within those parties, since in each there is a 'populist' candidate challenging the 'old guard' party members.
The only candidate for whom I have found an accurate birth time is Donald J. Trump, and, as he is the current 'frontrunner' for the GOP, the Republican Party, it is certainly interesting to look at his birth chart, as well as the transits to his chart this year.
One of the things that strikes me about Trump's chart is that he is an Eclipse baby, born with his Sagittarius Moon conjunct the South Lunar Node and his Sun opposite in Gemini at the North Node. His Sun and Moon are both in aspect to his Mars (the war god) which is perched on his Ascendant, both in Leo.
Leo is the sign of royalty and it seems that Mr. Trump is seeking more to be crowned king than to assume the responsibilities of leadership of the country and commander-in-chief. He has already indicated that he feels he does not have to adhere to the constitution or obey the laws of the land if he doesn't want to. In fact, the military leaders have all agreed that military actions he is proposing would be illegal and the troops would not obey such commands. His response is that they will do what he tells them to, regardless of the law.
With Mars so near his Ascendant, his approach to life is to be aggressive, to take what he wants. It is not surprising with this signature in his chart that he talks so much about being a 'winner' and it seems that the Presidency is simply the biggest prize he can win to prove that he is a 'winner'. It is certainly driven by his ego, not a desire to serve his country and its people.
Leo likes to be the centre of attention and Mr. Trump certainly knows how to play to the media, having received more media attention and coverage than any other candidate.
The Midheaven, the highest point of the chart, marks the beginning of the house of career, particularly how we wish to be recognized, how we want the world to see us. For Mr. Trump, his Midheaven is Taurus, a sign that is concerned about material security and likes nice things. He talks a great deal about his wealth. It seems that this is how he wishes to be recognized and is how feels he might garner respect.
With his Sagittarius Moon (emotional needs) opposite his Gemini Sun (ego) both in aspect to his Leo Mars, he is a big talker and his favourite topic is himself, what he has done and will do. The truth of what he says is less important to him than the impression he can make and the attention he can get.
This latest Solar Eclipse with the Sun-Moon in Pisces and Jupiter in Virgo squaring off against his natal Full Moon Eclipse, with Saturn approaching within a few degrees of his natal Moon suggests to me that things may not play out as he expects them to.
As both Pisces and Virgo are signs associated with service, this Solar Eclipse strongly highlights the idea of service to humanity, which certainly runs counter to Mr. Trump's extremely ego-driven (some have said narcissistic) agenda, so I think he will find the tide turning against him over the coming months. It is no secret that the Republican party itself does not want him to be the candidate representing them in the election,and there may be a contested convention.
At this point, it is generally agreed that Mr. Trump is the frontrunner and, unless the party itself finds a way to select a different candidate at their convention, then he would be the presumed Republican candidate in the November 8th election.
On the Democratic side, the current race is much more interesting and much closer than anyone would have predicted at the last Solar Eclipse on September 12th 2015, just six months ago.
That Eclipse was very close to Senator Sanders' natal Sun, since his birthday is on September 8th. Astrologically, it is generally quite significant when an eclipse occurs very close to one's Sun and Senator Sanders' Sun is conjunct his North Lunar Node in his birth chart.....a point generally considered to represent the lessons we have come to learn, our destiny or our 'soul's calling'. Last September's Eclipse was directly over his North Node, while the transiting North Node was directly over his natal Mercury, the ruler of his Virgo Sun sign. We have all seen how his campaign and his support has grown and expanded since then.
In addition to all that, Jupiter, signifying expansiveness, optimism, opportunity and future possibilities, had already entered Virgo on August 11th and will be in Virgo, in the same degree as the September 12th Eclipse during the Democratic convention in July of this year. Perhaps the Senator's amazing popularity has something to do with the influence of this planet often referred to as the Greater Benefic as it highlights the point in his chart associated with his destiny. The planets are not political or partisan and they do not 'make things happen', but rather indicate what is unfolding.
In my next piece, I will look at why this particular time (election) is so extremely significant from a historical-astrological perspective.