'Feeling the Bern'? ...Why Bernie will win
In the previous

post I discussed the astrological reasons that this is, indeed, the time for a new American revolution.
Astrology is a study of cycles. It is often said that 'history repeats itself' and astrology helps us to see the timing of events and the associated themes.
Looking at Senator Sanders' chart, I was fascinated to find so many links to two other very significant historical periods.
During the current election, I have heard several comparisons between Senator Sanders' proposals and those of FDR in his 'New Deal'. Of course, like the current election, that one came on the heels of an economic meltdown as well. So, in many ways, Senator Sanders and his campaign do bear many similarities to that of 'reformer', FDR, including bringing back some of the provisions that FDR had put in place to prevent another economic collapse (which were removed under President Clinton in the 1990s).
This is not Bernie Sanders' only connection to what was going on during that period in history. He also has a very personal connection; his father, Elias, immigrated to the U.S. in 1927 and many of his relatives who remained in Poland died in the Holocaust.
Sanders has said that he became interested in politics at an early age because "A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932. He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including 6 million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important."
In this election, we have been hearing other references to Hitler as well. Some people have made comparisons between the Republican 'frontrunner' and Hitler (also Mussolini). In fact, Mr. Trump recently tweeted a quote from Mussolini.
During 1932-34, Uranus was in exactly the same part of Aries as it is now. As it happens, Senator Sanders was born with his natal Moon and Mars in that same location in Aries. The Moon in Astrology represents one's emotional needs and Mars is a planet of action. The symbolism of Uranus (revolution) over these two planets in action-oriented, Fire sign, Aries, is summed up so well by the campaign slogan, “Feel the Bern” and this call for a political revolution.

During 1965-66, the aspect that defined that decade, the Uranus-Pluto conjunction, was right over the position of Senator Sanders' natal Sun in Virgo. That was a time when he was very heavily involved in the civil rights movement, and it seems to have reinforced what he had “learned as a little kid”, further igniting his passion to work for justice and equality for all by making politics his life's work. In his birth chart, his Moon-Mars in Aries opposes Venus in Libra (symbolizing issues of peace, justice, equality and fairness), giving focus to the passionate drive of his Moon-Mars.
Virgo is a sign associated with service and the Senator's Virgo Sun is within a few degrees of his North Node (a point associated with evolution and moving towards one's destiny). That point in his chart is at the same degree of Virgo as the planet Neptune was when the Declaration of Independence was signed, July 4, 1776, and also where Mercury, Venus and the Sun were located the day the founding fathers signed the Constitution, September 17, 1787.
Neptune is a planet that signifies idealism and also spirituality, the spiritual reality that everything is connected and we are all one. When asked about his religion in one town hall meeting, that is, in fact, how Sanders described his own spiritual beliefs and is really at the core of the Senator's message of love and respect for all people.
It also captures the ideals and spiritual essence of what the founding fathers enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.... “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Bernie Sanders is idealistic and that idealism is often characterized as being 'unrealistic'.
Do the American people believe that the founding fathers were being 'unrealistic' when they moved their fellow colonists to revolt against British rule?
Sanders was part of the civil rights movement and was there when Dr. King made his famous (very Neptunian) “I Have a Dream” speech. Everyone at that time would have thought it 'unrealistic' to think that they would see a black president in their lifetime.
In fact, when President Obama was running against Hillary Clinton in 2008, we were told that he had no chance of beating her, just as the mainstream media in this election has done its best, from the outset, to convince the American people that she would certainly be the nominee for that Party.
The placement of his Sun-North Node-Neptune suggests to me that Senator Sanders was born with a spiritual destiny which one would not generally associate with the world of politics. But that does seem to be the sphere in which it is playing out.
Jupiter was moving over those Virgo planets when the Senator won his first election to become Mayor of Burlington and “The final result came as a shock to the local political establishment, with the maverick Sanders winning by just 10 votes”.
Currently, Jupiter is once again moving over those Virgo planets, this time with the North Node also moving through that part of his chart. I believe this means that now is the time for him fulfill his destiny.
After the March 15th primaries, we are again being told by the media that the Senator cannot possibly become the Democratic candidate. He has had far less media coverage than any of the other candidates and and seemingly the only coverage has been to disparage his candidacy.
If I am right and this man's destiny is to be the President of the United States, then all the political machinery and corporate media in the country cannot prevent that happening.
I realize that there are many people who will discount the notion of 'destiny', but as an Astrologer since the early 1980s, I have watched many planetary transits play out for my clients and globally. It seems that significant, life-changing events do have an inevitability, are 'written in the stars', especially when transits of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto are involved.
Pollsters and pundits have been at a loss to explain the phenomenal crowds attending Senator Sanders' rallies and his unexpected success in the some of the primaries, including “the biggest primary upset in history” in the recent Michigan primary (the day of the Total Solar Eclipse).
Perhaps it has something to do with honesty and integrity. Polls are consistently showing that the Senator's favourability rating is far higher than Secretary Clinton's and, while a much larger percentage of Americans view him as honest. Polls suggest that most do not trust her.
Their distrust may be well founded.
The former Secretary of State is currently being investigated by the FBI for serious questions regarding her use of an unsecured private email server for her work emails during her tenure as Secretary of State. While she dismisses the suggestion that she could be indicted, the tech who set up that server in her home has been granted immunity and is being interviewed as her campaign continues. Questions concern possible security breaches and also whether she use her official position to benefit the Clinton Foundation. There are suggestions that her decision to use a private email server had less to do with 'convenience' and more to do with hiding something.
This would fit with her astrological profile. (I will look at the astrology for Hillary Clinton in a separate post)
The questions being raised are serious and so is the investigation.
While Senator Sanders has not raised it during the campaign, we can be very sure that the Republican candidate will should she win the Democratic nomination.
I have heard some people comparing Senator Sanders with Mr. Trump. While both men are independent of the usual corporate political funding and machinery and both seem to be defying the odds in how successful their campaigns have been, their motivations for seeking office and their goals should they be elected are, from my perspective, as different as day and night . (I will look more at Mr. Trump's astrological profile in a separate piece.)
Senator Sanders' chart reflects the philosophy and goals that we hear in his many speeches. In fact, that philosophy and those goals can be heard in virtually every speech or address he has given throughout his long political career.
His natal Mercury is in early Libra, the sign of equality, fairness, justice and since Mercury is about how we think and communication, these are the primary themes about which he talks.
Venus, in the Senator's birth chart, is also in Libra, one of the signs that planet is said to 'rule' (meaning the planet and the sign have much in common). His Venus sits directly across the chart from his Moon-Mars in Aries, so those ideals of equality, fairness, justice are what stir him emotionally and move him to take action.
All of those planets are in a relationship with his natal Jupiter, a planet which represents hope, optimism, expansiveness, morality, honesty and openness to new opportunities. When he says he is a 'progressive' that captures the spirit of the planet Jupiter.
Of course, I do not know the Senator personally, but what I have seen of him in this campaign certainly fits with what I see astrologically from his birth chart. I'm sure, being human, he does have his flaws.
He is, however, something I never thought I would see....an honest politician!
His campaign is resonating with so many because of that and because he is inspiring some hope for the future, which has looked very bleak for quite some time now.
In order for there to be a brighter future, for the U.S. and the world in general, there will need to be a revolution.
Bernie is quite right about that and in looking at his astrological profile, I do believe that it is his destiny to lead that revolution.